If a game is pirated, then the cracked files must be copied over but steam_api.dll, steam_api64.dll and steam_appid.txt must be originals. Steam itself, is not required - in fact, it is better (but not necessary) that Steam is uninstalled in order to not interfere with SmartSteamEmu.
The following tutorial opens up some options for games that have a Steam dependency and offers alternatives on how to get these games to work.

Next, even though Steam has become a giant, it is not entirely absurd that, at some point in time, Steam might just go away, in which case, all the games that have been published with a Steam dependency will simply not work anymore. First and foremost, all games that are rigged in this manner have an extra Steam dependency, such that, even in legitimate circumstances, if an Internet connection is not available, the game will not work in LAN mode even if it is a purchased product. The consequences are multiple, in such cases and mostly denote a shady practice on the behalf of the game producer. For instance, a game such as "Dead Island", when launched in LAN networking mode, will simply refuse to see any other games on the local network if the game cannot contact Steam - the game will not even announce or tell the user that it cannot find any local games because it cannot contact steam, leaving the user totally oblivious to why the game does not work as described. Furthermore, the games that are published through Steam tend to have a crippled LAN subsystem: even though the game features a local LAN mode, it is impossible to play the game without having an Internet connection because the game is rigged to refuse to work without having a connection to Steam. As steam extends itself more and more and game creators use Steam as a publishing platform, local LAN support has become a rare breed amongst games.